How To reach clarity

and create your best life

without having to dismiss your wildest dreams or spend years in therapy.

Are you tired of hearing "It is impossible"?

Is life a little boring lately?

Do you believe you are meant for more?

Are you unwilling to give up on your dreams?

Learn ONE new habit that will change the way you look at life forever. Everybody can do this.

Find a new way of building your unique and amazing life. It works. Guaranteed.

There is on secret to reaching goals that doesn´t receive the attention it deserves.

It´s not at all like a to do list, it´s a bit similar to manifesting, and can be compared to mindful prayer.


The List will bring you totally clarity over your wants, needs, wishes and wildest dreams. All of them have room on The List.


It takes only an hour to get started, and then a few minutes to keep it going. Working with The List really could not be easier.


By using The List you will replenish neurotransmitters that motivate you on the long run. Science explanation included.


You will not ever doubt your possibilities again. Practicing The List will change your way of life forever. I´ve seen it happen with hundreds of clients.


The List will create an expansion that you can regulate, extend, pause and shape to your way of life or current needs.


Re-connect to the way life is meant to be. Release doubt and re-build trust in abundance.

I know it sounds crazy, but there is nothing for you to lose.

This guide is FREE.

Get Instant Access to Your instructions for The List. Tame your doubts, say YES to life and to abundance. I did it, you can do it too.

Thank you for choosing to implement my magic list.

This guide will teach you ONE simple habit that will forever change the way you look at life. Guaranteed and proven by science.

choose all that apply

What You'll Learn:

Prioritize your unique wants and needs without ever feeling selfish again.

Understand WHY The List works and use this knowledge for every part of your life.

Create The List in a way that attracts a perpetual stream of benefit for you.

Learn how to dial the speed up or down as you need it in your current situation.

Believe in the power of abundance and see how that belief changes everything.

Understand HOW The List changes your physiology and take advantage of that.

Enjoy living your dreams.

"Hello there, nice to meet you! I am your mentor for making dreams come true. Raised in Germany, I moved to the Andes of Ecuador 20 years ago. I am an independent entrepreneur and homeschool Mom of 3 awesome boys. I am driven by curiosity and passion, and I am inspired by calm connectedness. My name is Christina Marz, founder of MarzMethod, Horse Guided Empowerment®, and the Sin Miedo© Foundation."

I grew up in a dysfunctional home in the sole care of my mother who suffers from depression and severe social anxiety. I had to mature very quickly and neglected my own needs, but I never lost sight of my dreams. Luckily, horses helped me gain assertive calmness and today I live my dreams. Let me guide you find and achieve yours.

Christina Marz

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